The Leviathan Missile

In March of 2022, news reports emerged about a missile strike at a command center near Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine. It was reported that several NATO commanders were killed in the attack. Interestingly, after the attack, the Western media "closed ranks" and have said the attack didn't happen even though U.S. President Joe Biden admitted it did. While some would dismiss Mr. Biden's statements as the ravings of a man with "geriatric problems," other reports still confirm the event. Realistically, all defense analysts understand two things: 1) hypersonic missiles are real and, 2) that our Patriot Missile Systems can do nothing to stop them, despite the claims of the Ukrainian media to the contrary. It is hard to consider anything the Ukrainian Media says after their wild claims about the "Ghost of Kiev" and other related tales.

Unlike the wild Ukrainian tales, the United States Department of Defense has documented a lot of information about Russian weapons research. This 1988 briefing by Lt. Colonel Thomas Bearden, a Georgia Tech trained engineer (M.S) discusses Russian research into Electro-magnetic weapons. Even though the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, they did not suspend their research. When President Putin took over in 2000, he upped the research. Unfortunately, the Western defense departments did not take that very seriously. Thankfully, even though Lt. Col. Bearden retired from the Army, he still took their research seriously.

Sadly, Google has a tendency to take down Lt. Col. Bearden's videos as soon as they are posted. Thankfully, a few videos have survived. The Bible Codes though, would bring up some additional issues. We have seen what has happened when a Russian hypersonic missile attacked a command bunker near Kiev. But what will the next generation of missile have? The Bible Codes may have that answer.

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For now, we will call this new Russian invention the Leviathan Missile. This missile is different because it is clear the Russians have used Necromancers and "Observers of Times" to channel the technical manual from several different demonic entities, similar to what the Nazis did when they got "Maria Orsic" to channel the Nazi Bell (Die Glocke). This missile appears to use electro-magnetic technology both to propel it and apparently to defeat technologies designed to stop it. It may even have an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) technology to knock out the power generation systems of their enemy. We will continue to research this and other Bible Codes to find out more.

What concerns us though is the prospect of treason and the fact that some obscure Russian general officer is looking to sell this system to a willing buyer. We tried every country imaginable and stuck out. It could be a private source, but it would have to be a very rich source. We will continue to look into this as we hope the Russian Orthodox code searchers will do. We have posted our research above in the hope they will research this further, as they have a vested interest in finding this traitor. We would also appreciate it if they shared their research with us.

The third animal in the Daniel 7 spectrum is the Leopard, the second member of the "cat" family to be so recognized. Click here to visit our Leopard Files.

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