The Great Nazi Treasure Hunt - Part I

One of the biggest mysteries of the 21st century is why the United States and its Western Allies are so willing to commit hundreds of billions of dollars into the conflict in Ukraine. Even more mystifying is why the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, and Italy have been willing to deplete their own militaries of supplies needed should they get into an armed conflict of their own.

Speaking of unanticipated armed conflicts, the recent conflict in Niger, located in Central Africa, has caught France "red-handed" as they have few troops and virtually no ordinance to send their Foreign Legion to protect their interests there. In the past, they could have called upon the United States and Great Britain for assistance but these days, they have none to give. To the average observer, it appears that our nation's leaders have gone insane. As we studied the Bible Codes, they suggest something else is going on. But to understand these Bible Codes, we need to understand history.

The Bible Code listed below tells us an interesting story. The year is either late 1954 or 1955. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev has settled in as First Secretary of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union while Dwight David Eisenhower had just occupied the White House the year before and had adopted interesting policies. The most notable was his Administration's refusal to support European Colonialism. Great Britain was in the process of changing prime ministers as Winston Churchill seemed past his prime and Anthony Eden was quick to take his place. In France, Edgar Faure was the current Prime Minister. In the 1950s, France's chief of state changed several times with the whim of their parliament.

The big event that year was the Geneva Summit, a meeting proposed by the Soviet Union. The most notable item of this summit was the Soviet Union's suggestion that they be allowed to either join NATO or that they would disband both NATO and the Warsaw Pact, instead coming up with a collective system of world security (similar to what President Putin suggested in 2001). Unlike Potsdam, ten years prior, no meaningful agreements arose from this Summit. It turned out to be a meeting where the diplomats looked good for the people of their respective countries but nothing really got done. Instead, the Geneva Summit proved to be a "smoke screen" for another event totally uncovered by the media.

The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic lies on the west central part of the Soviet Union. Its capitol from 1934 forward was Kiev (Kyiv), a city made famous to the world via the famous composer Modest Mussorgsky's seminal work "The Great Gate of Kiev," the last movement of Pictures at an Exibition. The music's popularity vaulted when the progressive rock band Emerson, Lake, and Palmer released their verson in 1971. Prior to that time, only classical music enthusiasts who liked Russian music knew about "The Great Gate of Kiev." Yet, it is Kiev that became the center of this Bible Code.

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SS Lieutenant General Otto Schied

Right in the middle of this Bible Code is the name Dr. Otto Schied, an "honorary" SS Lieutenant General who once chaired a large meeting in Strausborg, France. That meeting in Summer of 1944 made arrangements for the parsing of German assets around the world. Yet, after that time, he seems to have disappeared. Yet his name seems to be absent from all the FBI, MI6, and other intelligence agency files. The only author we have found who even knew his name was Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. Even then, we only know of him because he chaired the meeting. He literally dropped off the landscape. There is no record of him in South America or the Middle East.

In this Bible Code, we find him in Kiev, the capital of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1955. It seems he has some "treasure" for sale. The only invites to this meeting were the Soviet Union, France, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the United States. The Bible Code also indicates that France allowed Red China to tag along in this meeting for good measure. We may need to look for other "tag along" countries as well.

It seems that Dr. Scheid has some interesting items up for sale. The first item up for sale is Nephilim technology which can be used to create "super soldiers." There is one catch in this sale. For some unknown reason, the technology cannot leave the Ukraine. The United States was prepared for this option. They were already been working with former Nazi elements there. Those Nazi elements will agree to secure the technology until the time comes when the Soviet Union is dissolved. When Russian influence in Ukraine was diminished in the 2014 "color" revolution, the United States subsequently built dozens of bio labs to process the technology.

The second item up for bidding is an earthquake machine.

The final item up for bidding is the support of Ancient Evil in their country's endeavor. Literally, the "winning" countries will sell their souls to "Ancient Evil," just as the United States did in 1948 after the Roswell, New Mexico Incident. At that time, only the Soviet Union and the United States had the economic resources to purchase this technology. But since the United States had already sold its soul, that left the Soviet Union as the only real bidder (France has been effective broke since the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, Saudi Arabia's and Irans oil assets were still controlled by Royal-Dutch Shell and British Patroleum, and China did not have much economic power in those days). The Bible Code did not give us a winner, so we will have to do more research.

We are not done with this Bible Code. Click here to visit the next page and see what has turned up.

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