The Great Nazi Treasure Hunt - Part II

The last page described an auction for Nazi treasure chaired by Dr. Otto Scheid. Some of our readers wrote back and asked why Dr. Scheid was holding this auction and why are they holding it in Kiev (Kyiv). We know that in 1955, the Geneva Summit was a waste of taxpayer money, but the real question: If the Geneva Summit was a disaster, where did the real business take place. It seems that the answer is Kiev, the capital of the then Ukrainian Soviet Socialst Republic (Ukrainian SSR). But why would they meet there? Stalin gave the answer during World War II. He explained that if he was gone from Moscow for any period of time, that he would be deposed. Western governments went along with his restriction because they figured, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't." Stalin had gotten the West to hold summits in Yalta in the Crimean Peninsula previously and much was done.

Lt. General Hans Kammler

Other observers also questioned the idea that Dr. Scheid led this conference. Even though he was an "honorary" SS Lieutenant General (Three Star), there was a lot about technology that he clearly did not know, even though he was a celebrated archietect. We know from previous research and the researches of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell and Tino von Struckman that the only person who knew everything about Nazi technology was SS Lt. General Hans Kammler. In 1945, he was one of the men who parsed Nazi research to Russia and to the West. When we ran his name, he was directly connected to Ancient Evil and was in the middle of this event.

Bible Code Matrix

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When we see Lt. General Kammler in this picture, we get a better idea of what is going on. We also get an idea that he could provide the qualifications for the technology they were selling. The Nazi leadership realized with the recent deposing of Juan Person in Argentina coupled with the cancelation of the Huemul Project caused a lot of Nazis to lose hope of ever making a dent on the world scene. Hence the "fire sale" of Nazi technology. Lt. General Kammler and likely his boss, Martin Bormann (also named in this Bible Code) wrongly determined that the Allies were close to duplicating much of the technology they had developed in the 1940s.

This Bible Code however, seems to disprove this. While the Nazis had made great strides in the development of "super soldiers," no other country in 1955 was even close to what they had done. This clip from the TV Show Fringe demonstrates how it could be done. Make sure to watch both parts.

Click Here to watch on YouTube.

Click Here to watch on YouTube.

This Bible Code even mentions some of the elements of the research they are doing that Dr. Walter Bishop (John Noble) demonstrated in these videos.

The other shocking element in this Bible Code is the fact that the Dulles brothers (Allen - CIA Director and John Foster - Secretary of State, both in the Eisenhower Administration) are representing the United States in this and Allen Dulles is using his Russian connection codenamed "Sasha" to bring the Israelis into the auction to counterbalance Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

The other big spiritual element in this Bible Code is the appearance of Lilith, a demon mentioned in Isaiah 34:15 (but translated "screech owl") Normally, Lilith is mentioned in connection with Marian Apparitions and the Roman Catholic Church, but it seems to have a stake here. Also mentioned in this Bible Code is Cain and his Egyptian name: Osirus. Like any divorced couple, they had their interests to protect and they inserted themselves into this meeting for this reason. It must be remembered that the final message of Fatima was the consecration of Russia to the "Holy Mother." If Lilith could get this done through this meeting, it would be a major coup d'tat. From what we can see, Mr. Khrushchev was not interested in dealing with the religious elements of the Roman Catholic Church. He had just gotten in power and he was not interested in offending his atheist friends in the Communist Party. He was very aware of what had happened to Stalin just a year before and he did not want it to happen to him.

Russia is a major player in the end time world system. The fact that the Western media continues to be dismissive of Russia and its place in the world does not dimish their power or place in the world. The West would be wise to "get their heads out of the Cold War" and realize that Russia is a major player on the world stage. They need to be taken serious, which is why we will continue to do Bible Codes on Russia and the rest of the Key Code system.

The next Bible Code in this series takes us to a date about a year from now. Back in March of 2022, the Russians lauched their first hypersonic missile. It hit a NATO command center near Kiev, the capital of Ukraine killing multiple NATO staff. When the missile hit, it was a complete surprise to the NATO air defense system. Unfortunately, the operational theories of NATO were designed to fight World War II all over again. They are clueless about how to fight World War III. Now, our Bible Code is showing that the Russians are developing an advanced missile system powered by electro-magnetic power. Click on this link to learn more.

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