A Bible Code "Holy Grail" Discovered

Almost from the time Bible Code research became a part of the Christian world, researchers have attempted to discover the "Mark of the Beast." The looked at all the movies and television shows which suggested ideas, they looked at the possibilities of implanted computer chips, and "racked their brains" attempting to explore every other possibility. Anything but to do the historical research, searching through the classified and unclassified files for events that might suggest a stimulus which would cause people to willingly get the "mark of the beast."

Nazi International: The Nazis' Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space

We had to learn that the answers have been hidden in history for a long time. We have also learned that much of this history has NOT been recorded in our history books, but instead what is recorded in our history books is the "Allied Legend," a term coined by researcher Dr. Joseph Farrell, author of multiple books attempting to correct the narrative of history. In one of his books: Nazi International, he outlined how the upper echelons of the Nazi Party prepared for the eventual defeat of Germany at the end of World War II and how they would redefine themselves after the War was over. One of their most imporant objective was the preservation and continuation of their research after the War had ended.

That research continued after the War and encompassed multiple areas. One of the most famous areas was their rocket research through the U.S. Defense Department and later through the National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration (NASA). In the 1960s, almost every schoolchild followed the U.S. Space Program from the time Alan Shepherd first entered the upper reaches of earth's atmosphere to the day when three men landed on the moon. However, this was not the only research that Nazi International engaged in.

In our section on the Order of the Black Sun, we learned that Martin Borman and by extention SS Lieutenant General Otto Schied had compiled an extentive program designed to make Nazi International the most powerful organization that nobody will ever hear of. They learned from their failures in the War the importance of hiding their activities, sometimes in "plain sight." Their continued medical research, they moved to South America and made sure it was concealed from all governments until the time when they would need them for distribution. They concocted a "cover story" of Dr. Mengele being a "ne'er-do-well" ex-Nazi traveling from place to place without an consistent home the rest of his life. Under that "cover story," he continued his research, initally in Argentina. When a coup d'état overturned the government of Juan Peron in 1955, most Nazi operations were transferred to Chile, Brazil, and Nazi-friendly Paraguay. Dr. Mengele's medical research likely went to Paraguay because Dr. Mengele had Paraguan citizenship at the end of his life.

When Alan Dulles took over control of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1953, he fully cooperated with Nazi International and was ready to expand Dr. Mengele's research throughout the world. With the cooperation of the U.S. Department of Defense, Dr. Mengele's research was expanded beyond anything he could have ever imagined. When they wanted to test a toxin, they could literally place that toxin in a location they could control and manage. It is interesting to note that when an Ebola outbreak occurred in West Africa, it was close to five bio-labs.

DoD Biolabs Around the World

When one sees this network of Pentegon Bio-Labs, it is clear why the CIA could discard Osama Bin Laden and not lose anything. However, to keep the western world on edge, the CIA was able to piece together videos of Osama bin Laden to create fake videos which they would deliver to the famous Arab satellite television channel al-Jazeera, ensuring almost instant broadcast. This would also keep public attention on a fictitious Osama bin Laden and off their bio-lab research... at least until the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. In the beginning of this crisis, we were treated to tales of infected bats at Asian "wet markets" being the cause of the virus. However, Shannon Davis of Omegaman Radio, who lives in Indonesia stated that Asia is filled with Wet Markets that have never contaminated anyone. Shortly thereafter, it was revealed that there is a bio-lab in Wuhan, China.

Immediately, Senator Tom Cotton and Representative Dan Crenshaw introduced legislation permitting United States citizens to directly sue the government of China. Other countries threatened to sue China for damages done to their countries. However, it was not long until it was revealed that they were only doing research for United States entities that could not legally done in the United States. Most of these efforts seemed quashed as the so-called COVID-19 Pandemic caused governments all over the world to lockdown their populations. The resulting lockdowns caused an economic depression which has pummeled the world population.

As the dust has settled on the COVID-19 Pandemic, many people have looked back and wondered what was really going on. For the first time in world history, a world population did something in unision. Even more interesting is that within a few months, President Donald Trump set up a program called Operation Warp Speed designed to create a vaccine for this so-called virus. They handed out 11 billion dollars to six companies to produce this vaccine. Within a few months, three companies (Johnson and Johnson [NYSE: JNJ], Astra-Zeneca [LSE: AZN], and Moderna [NASDAQ: MRNA]) had produced a vaccine and brought it to market.

After the vaccine came to market, the companies began producing "boosters" to fix problems with the original vaccine. Before long, it became apparent that the vaccine did not cure anything. People still got sick and were told they needed additional "boosters." Other doctors started evaluating the contents of the vaccine on their own and discovered it was anything but a vaccine. We decided it was time to put this to the Bible Codes to see what we were dealing with.

Bible Code Matrix Bible Code Key

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What we discovered shocked us. We had stumbled onto one of the "Holy Grails" of Bible Code research: The Mark of the Beast! The first thing we realized is why they were giving people that vaccine for "free." People who take the vaccine engage in a contract without knowing it. To receive the vaccine, you must pay something in exchange for that vaccine: YOUR SOUL! When you take the vaccine, you sell your soul as consideration. Without your soul, Ancient Evil is allowed to insert within you almost anything he wants. We see the word "magnetic" meaning you can attract a whole host of poisonous metals and other substances. You also become home to "familiar spirits" which can mimick the workings of the Holy Spirit in your life. You will also have the Mark of Cain, meaning you are cursed for the rest of your life.

Should someone continue to get the "boosters," it is likely that their blood will get contaminated and they will need transfusions for the rest of their life. This is not the first time we have seen vamprism crop up in a Bible Code. We see this word appear in Bible Codes related to the ultra-rich. It may explain why they live longer than most people. They have to get frequent transfusions of blood which rejuvinates their body for a short time. The other interesting element is Vril Energy. First theorized by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, it is an energy that is self-renewing and once it starts, it will run forever. The Thule Society, a precursor of the German Nazi Party, studied it heavily. A psychic named "Maria Orsic," a White Russian woman talked about it extensively. We will have to research this further.

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