The Viral Activities of Dr. Josef Mengele
The idea of selling your soul has been discussed elsewhere on this website. However, the powers of darkness (AKA Ancient Evil) would desire for some way to get souls so that they did not have to waste so much of their time and resources in getting people to sell their souls. Seeing Dr. Steiner's challenge in his 1917 lecture, the world of pseudo "fringe" science embarked on a way to accomplish this.
We have seen that the Nazi SS embarked upon research early in their existence, but it "picked up speed" when a young Dr. Joseph Mengele began doing research in the late 1930s at the University of Frankfurt under the supervision of then genetics expert Dr. Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer (a Nazi collaborator). Both men were "cutting edge" researchers in the field of genetics (Dr. Mengele had already written his Ph.D. Dissertation in genetics at the University of Munich). However, it should be noted that before von Verschuer's death in 1965, he warned against the possibility of creating "scientifically improved" human beings, quite contrart to what the World Economic Forum and other Eugenics Organizations have actively promoted.
After the War, Dr. Mengele apparently continued his research in South America as the movie, The Boys from Brazil suggested. He likely recruited other doctors to assist him in that research and to take it over when he died in 1979. His genetic research had one goal: to "purify" the human genome. The best way to do this was to create substances that could kill only those genetic subsets of people he wanted dead.
This clip from the television show Fringe uses Dr. Walter Bishop to explain the process. He also warned that this "scientist" would attempt to duplicate his experiment using different target and control groups. We see this happen in this clip from the same episode:
We have posted several clips from this episode on a YouTube playlist for further review. The real issue though, is whether this is just a very creative television program or could there be a measure of reality in this program. Mark Twain once remarked, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” One of the ways we can explore this possibility is to visit the Bible Codes and see if the work of the Nazis could indeed evolve into "The Mark of the Beast."
The first step in the process is to see if indeed Dr. Mengele was doing work on a vaccine. When we ran his name, we found that he was working on a virus that would make people sick enough that they would willingly take a vaccine that would alter the genetics of a human being. Here is the Bible Code:
Click Here to download a PDF Copy of this Bible Code.
Dr. Josef Mengele's genetic research was indeed the study of viruses. However, his cutting edge research was considerably more advanced than the current science. It was when he kept hitting the proverbial "brick wall" in the current science that he started drawing heavily on occult sources to get as much information as he could. It may have been his reason for joining the SS in May of 1938 (SS Member #317885) as they gave him access to their occult resources. This became important for Dr. Mengele because later in the War, General Hans Kammler controlled much of the scientific resources of Nazi Germany and getting the money to continue his research required him to show his superiors positive results. Multiple historical researchers have noted that General Kammler was looking for "miracle weapons" that would turn the War in favor of Nazi Germany. Unfortunately for General Kammler, Dr. Mengele did not create any chemical weapons that General Kammler could turn over to the Germany Army to change the fortunes of the War. Therefore, Dr. Mengele was left to fend for himself at the end of the War.
Dr. Mengele was detained for a short time after the War by the United States Army. Since Dr. Mengele was in Eastern Europe and did most of his work there, the U.S. authorities did not know who they had captured. It seems though, that Mengele was likely a member of the Order of the Black Sun, meaning his name was on a list given to then OSS (O.S. Office of Strategic Services) Agent Alan Dulles when he became a member of the Order. Because of that secret society membership, the U.S. Army released him and he immediately headed south.
After the War, many members of the SS were able to escape Germany via the "rat lines" created by the Roman Catholic Church under orders from the vehemently anti-communist Pope Pius XII. As an old man, the Pope was fearful that the Communist Parties of Europe would take over Europe, leaving him forced to flee for Latin America. He felt the best deterrent against communism was the remaining Nazi Party. To ensure their continued existence, the Roman Catholic Church set up a system of escape routes called "rat lines" to move Nazis from Germany to South America.
Dr. Josef Mengele would follow these "rat lines" to South America where he would take up residence, initially in Juan Person's Argentina, but when Peron was deposed in 1956, Dr. Mengele was obliged to resettle in Brazil and Paraguay. It should be noted though that sightings of Dr. Mengele have been seen all over Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and even the United States. It is likely that he continued his researches in South America, but the authorities have never found any kind of medical laboratory in South America (however, there are a lot of remote locations in Paraguay where he could have set up a lab and only select people would know about it) capable of doing the kind of research Dr. Mengele would do.
Dr. Mengele would avoid those authorities who would arrest and try him for his crimes the rest of his life. He would die on early 1979, though records would indicate that he managed the Nazi movement the last twenty years of his life after the death of Martin Borman in 1959. Records found in Paraguay indicate that he kept maticulous records of Nazi activities in South America and was in close contact with Operation Odessa, an SS operation put together by its members to protect their lower-ranking members after the War.
While the physical body of Dr. Josef Mengele may have died in 1979, the Bible Codes show that he still operates in the world today. We will be posting Bible Codes of how he has reached out of the grave to help certain individuals create a Fourth Reich. Click here to learn how Dr. Joseph Mengele is able to continue his work beyond the grave.