The First Transhuman President?

One of the biggest goals of the Theosophical Movement first theorized by Helena Blavatsky in the late 19th century was for the population of the earth to form a "hive mind." Part of doing this requires human beings to transform themselves into transhumans that could receive and do the orders of those in the higher realms. The Bible also prophesies of a time when people will willingly obey our Heavenly Father, but without having to modify our genetics to do so. Our Heavenly Father created us to serve Him, but in the Garden of Eden, Eve was convinced by the Serpent, an agent of Ancient Evil, to eat of the Tree of the Knowlege of Good and Evil and to give this fruit to Adam. When they did that, they condemned humanity to wander the earth attempting to determine what is good and what is evil.

However, as YHWH began to reveal through His Word (which is written in the Bible) how we could return to Him and become the human being He intended us to be when He created us. However, Ancient Evil also has a plan for humanity as well. It would like to transform human beings into virtual slaves that would do the will of Ancient Evil. This video clip from the movie Exorcist II: The Heretic outlines this situation:

The battle is this world is whether we will turn towards YHWH or toward Ancient Evil or as Fr. Phillip Lamont1 would say, "towards Satan." We have studied before the fact that the COVID-19 "epidemic" was designed to get people to take a vaccine. We are now finding that this vaccine is designed to turn people from human beings into Nephilim, beings completely devoid of any desire to know their creator. The Book of Job clearly defines the normal state of a human being:

But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. (Job 32:8)

Ancient Evil's goal in this late hour is to remove the soul that is within every human being that connected them with their human spirits which in turn connects them with their maker. Ancient Evil would prefer to see every human being in the world function as a Nephilim, completely devoid of a human soul. The proposed vaccine is designed to accomplish this untoward goal. Some Christian analysts now suggest that this vaccine is the "Mark of the Beast" referred to in Revelation 13:16. However, as we have studied Joe Biden in the Bible Codes, we begin to see how they could accomplish this. Here is the Bible Code in question:

Bible Code Matrix Bible Code Key

To download a PDF version of this Bible Code, click here.

On the previous page, we saw Joe Biden's name connected with the Hebrew word for vampire. We see that word in this Bible Code as well. In this Bible Code, we see Biden's name embedded with the Hebrew word Nephil, the singular form of Nephilim. It seems, that to get himself electable, Joe Biden has taken the vaccine to turn himself into a trans-human being, a literal beast (the code uses that word as well). Now that he is indeed installed in the White House, we effectively installed a "beast" into the White House. Eventually, every Bible-believing Christian will become a target.

It will be our prayer that Ashima will get to play one big joke on Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. This humiliation will effectively end the party as we know it and force them to be what they should have been all along: Communists... the Badder-Meinhoff Gang. We will continue to research this.

1Some Roman Catholic observers contend that the character Father Phillip Lamont was in real life Dr. Malachi Martin, a Jesuit priest, the famous exorcist who authored a book on exorcism called Hostage to the Devil. Dr. Martin also wrote a number of books on other subjects as well. (Return to text.)