To understand the issues surrounding The Final Temple, we muar revisit President Trump's first Presidential Trip after he took office. He first flew straight to Saudi Arabia, then, he went to Israel and then took a limo to visit the Palestinian Authority. After visiting the "Wailing Wall," he then got on his plane he went to Rome, as he had an audience with the newly-elected Pope Francis I. After a short visit with The Pope, he headed for Brussels, Belgium to meet with leaders of the European Union, and finally, to the Italian island of Sicily, where he met with the leaders of the "G-7 nations." Each of these stops on this trip had something to do with a potential rebuilding of the Temple, so let's revisit his first presidential trip.
Dateline: May 22, 2017
The mainstream news media was loaded with information about President Donald Trump's first major overseas trip since he assumed the presidency of the United States . On May 20, 2017, the presidential "Air Force One" plane landed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where the Saudi Arabian King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud was there to meet him. Most notably, he bowed to President Trump, unlike years before when President Obama bowed to him when he visited Saudi Arabia. The reasons were plenty. First, Mr. Trump holds "all thee cards" moneywise for the defense contract the king badly needs. He has been concerned for some time that the Iranians might cross the Persian Gulf and make their move towards Mecca, the most important city in his country. The king knew that his military cannot effectively deal with that prospect. Secondly, he needs President Trump to speak to his son about building a new hotel-casino in Riyadh. They know that since Donald Trump started his presidential campaign, he turned all of his business enterprises over to his sons. The king knows they need to develop sources of income that will eventually replace the oil income they have come to rely upon both to maintain their economy and to maintain their very high standard of living. For these reasons, the king greeted President Trump with "hat in hand."
Once they settled down to business, President Trump signed a "Defense Treaty" with King Salman for 110 billion dollars. President Trump claimed this treaty will result in a considerable number of jobs for the defense industry in the United States. It will also bolster Saudi Arabian defenses against a now nuclear Iran, eliminating the need for more U.S. troops in the region. President Trump made it clear in his campaign that he would prefer countries take care of their own defense needs and not rely upon the United States to save them, like they did in the First Gulf War of 1991, when Iraqi President Saddam Hussein threatened the security of Saudi Arabia. This theme of nations taking care their own defense rather than depending upon the United States would follow him throughout the rest of his whirlwind tour.
However, the event that concerned us more than the treaty was a curious event that happened on the 21st of May. President Trump, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and King Salman placed their hands on this curious orb (pictured to the right). Supposedly, a symbol for the The Global Center for Combating Extremist Ideology. The mainstrfeam media portrayed it as a concerted effort by the "moderate Islamic countries" in conjunction with the United States to combat "extremist Islamic terrorism." Observers on both sides of the political aisle had trouble with the image in portrayed in this picture, wondering what they were really trying to accomplish. This is notable consiering that Russia did considerably more to eliminate ISIL in the coming years than the United States ever did.
May 27, 2017 Update
((Update)) When we reran the Bible Code below, we found the word "orb" embedded right in the center of the Bible Code. People continue to speculate as to the meaning of this curious ceremony. While some media people immediately attempted to connect the event with a scene from the movie Lord of the Rings, we feel there is a more subtle meaning for this. One word we also found in this Bible Code was Pleiades, a famous star constellation mentioned twice in the Book of Job (9:9, 38:31). When you read those two chapters, you read of the futility of trying to control Pleiades. However, it seems, that is what these leaders are trying to do with this ceremony. ((End of Update))
On May 22, 2017, President Trump moved on from Saudi Arabia and headed to Ben Gurion Airport where he was greeted by the President of Israel Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, much of the Israeli Cabinet, and even some members of opposition parties in the Knesset. After the speech-making that goes with the arrival of an American president of foreign soil, President Trump headed to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to attend a special service and to get a tour of the legendary location of Christ's empty tomb. He then became the first sitting U.S. President to pray at the Western (Wailing) Wall, in front of the Temple Mount (see the picture above and to the right). We are surprised that he didn't want to see the Mount of Olives or Golgotha, which is where Christ was crucified. Of course, this could be due restrictions by the Israeli government and the United States Secret Service. Also, it is pretty clear that he was there to do business, not take a sightseeing tour of Jerusalem.
As everyone watched the pomp and ceremony surrounding President Trump's arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, we started to wonder what this trip could really be about. When we initially turned to the Bible Codes to see what were President Trump's intentions for the Middle East might be, we found our President Trump involved in the development of a new Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel. We also saw the nefarious removal of the Dome of the Rock via a Tesla Earthquake Machine apparently owned by the government of India (a close ally of Israel). We were ready to "close the book" on this area of study when we discovered a new Bible Code.
UPDATE: May 24, 2017
Today, President Trump made a visit to the Vatican, as he had an "audience" with the Pope Francis I of the Vatican (one of the world's remaining city-states, a relic of the Middle Ages) to likely sell his plan for a Temple in Jerusalem. Getting the Pope's support for this will be crucial for the next step of his tour when he goes to Brussels, Belgium to visit with officials of the European Union about his plan. Likely, the European Union will want Trump's support in getting Great Britain to return to the European Union. In return, Mr. Trump will remind them of why Great Britain left the Union in the first place. Meanwhile, the press will be obliged to come up with more "cover stories" about why President Trump visited the Vatican and Brussels on the same trip. They will omit the fact that President Trump is one of the most deliberate men to ever hold the presidency. He never does something without a good reason. If he is going to sell a Future Temple, he will need the European Union's support.
Update: May 25, 2017
On this day, President Trump was met in Brussels, Belgium by European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker. It is becoming clear that the European Union is not so enthusiastic about the Trump Temple as the other countries were. They are more interested in defense, trade issues, and the environment. They see the United States as wandering away from the NATO accords, pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords, insisting they participate in the War on Terror on a greater basis, and that they pay more towards their own defense. Since there is a considerable gulf in what Donald Trump thinks and what the European Union thinks, getting their support for a Jerusalem Temple seems miles away. It is clear that Donald Trump will have to clear that gulf if he expects them to help him with his temple-building project in Jerusalem. President Trump will not give up on the dream. It will take a lot longer than he had hoped. That is why the Bible Code said he was still talking about it in 2021. There will have to be a lot of issues worked out in the interim.
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When we first did this Bible Code, we thought it would be a clarification of the previous Bible Code we had run. But when we looked for "time stamps," we found the Jewish year 5778, the current Jewish year. The more we looked at this Bible Code, the more we realized this was about Donald Trump working out a deal with Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and the Vatican. Once he got the religious "ducks in order," the trip proceeded to Brussels, Belgium, one of the largest money centers in the world and home of the European Union. The trip will finish when they travel to Sicily to meet with the G-7 group of nations. When you put all this pieces together and connect it with these Bible Codes, it becomes clear that Donald Trump is working out the biggest land deal of his life, the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.
When we see this Bible Code, we see the author of The Art of the Deal at his finest. We see him working the biggest land and building deal of his life. This one deal that will cement his status as the greatest deal-maker of all time. Yes, it might be the greatest land and building deal of all time, but at what cost... you mean there could be a downside to this? Let's review the previously posted Bible Codes in light of this one and see what might be happening.