The Bible Codes in the Dark Ages
Historians cannot find any mention of the Bible Codes in history until the 13th century when the famous Rabbis Tam, Bachya, and Ben HaKanah began to make clear and public statements. All of them stated that they felt there were hidden messages, literally codes hidden within the text of the Torah. Unfortunately, they lacked the manpower and the technology needed to research and establish their theories. This lack of resources coupled with the political climate of Europe meant that most of this material had to be hidden from the general public and especially from the Roman Catholic-controlled governments.
When the rich merchant, Peter Waldo, commissioned a monk to translate the New Testament into the French language, he had no idea what he was starting. After he read the gospels for the first time in his own language, he was horrified. When he read it to his friends, they were also horrified. They realized that the life they were living was not even close to what Yahushua (Jesus) commanded. They sold all their worldly goods and gave the proceeds to the poor. They then dedicated their lives to serving Yahuwah and learning His Word. They also started questioning the wealth of the Roman Catholic Institution. When the Catholic hierarchy realized their "nest egg" was in danger, the Pope decided it was time to hide the scriptures from the "common people."
Pope Innocent III, in a major spiritual power move, issued a "papal bull" in A.D. 1200 allowing only priests, bishops, and cardinals to possess a copy of the scriptures, and further determined that only people in these religious offices were qualified to read, study, and interpret the Bible. Pope Innocent III's Bull was further reinforced by the Councils of Toulouse and Valencia in A.D. 1229, the Council of Tarragona in A.D. 1234, and finally, the Council of Trent in A.D. 1545. These councils by virtue of exclusion, determined that Jewish Rabbis possessing the Torah and Tenach in Hebrew were somehow not qualified to read the scriptures that they had possessed and studied long before there was any Roman Catholic Institution. As a result, these Rabbis were obliged to take their scrolls and their research underground.
With the Inquisitions in Spain, England, and other places in Western Europe, the Jewish communities were obliged to move to Eastern Europe where their culture would again flourish. It is in this area that their form of biblical research could continue. One of the centers for the development of Jewish thinking and research centered around the city of Prague, now the capital of the Czech Republic. It was here that the sages once again talked about the Bible Codes and suggested that there were deeper messages in the scriptures than just the plain text.
The Reformation Period
The Reformation of the Church in the 16th century signaled a change in attitudes about "common people" possessing the scriptures. Martin Luther and others questioned the Roman Catholic position and started to make the Bible available to the common man in their own languages. Martin Luther translated the Bible into German, encouraging people to read the Bible for themselves. Unfortunately, he did not maintain good relations with the Jewish rabbis in his world, so the scope of his research was limited to his own discoveries and what he had learned from his training at Roman Catholic Universities and Seminaries. He reforms did open up the idea of scholastic research, which would change the academic attitude of the West permanently.
When the English Bibles were first being produced, the Bible Scholars doing the translation work found themselves calling upon the Jewish Rabbis for help in dealing with the Hebrew scriptures. These interchanges started to open the door for further research into the scriptures. Eventually, these interchanges led to powerful awakenings within the Christian community, as Yahuwah started to move in the hearts of men. By the 18th century, this awakening was taking place all over the world.
The 18th century not only saw an awakening in the Christian community, the Jewish Community would begin to see an awakening as well. The famous Lithuanian Rabbi, Elijah Solomon, better known as the "Vilna Gaon," led the way in a revival of Jewish scholarship. While the Christians were just starting to understand that the Bible was the Word of Yahuwah, the Vilna Gaon comprehended the concept to a level even unmatched today:
"All that was is, and will be to the end of time is included in the Torah, the first five books of the Bible." (Intro, Sifra Ditzniut)
A contemporary of the Vilna Gaon was Rabbi Ben Nachman, better known as "Ramban" or "Nachmanides" also made allusions to the existence of the Bible Codes. While both of these men were top-flight scholars, they lacked the mathematical knowledge and the technology to needed to make serious breakthroughs in the codes.
The Bible Codes in Eastern Europe
The Jewish Communities in Eastern Europe did not always live in peace with their neighbors. They felt persecution from the regional emperors, but legends tell of the Spiritual Technologies that always came to their aid when these troubles arose. One such story concerns the Rabbi Judah ben Loew, who created a Golem (literally a "mud creature") to deal with the Austrian kings who wanted them to leave their homes and their adopted countries. The Golem caused so many problems for the empire that the emperor had to relent. In the 19th century, the Russian Czars also ordered Pogroms against the Jewish Communities in their country. These Pogroms led many Jews to emigrate to the Middle East and the United States.
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Bible Code Studies:
- Key Codes
- The Two Witnesses
- Russian Codes
- The "Terrible Beast System"
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